VIs - Alphabetical List
Removes any bias or offset from an input signal. | |
Automatically connects to a server using the specified communications protocol and transmits and receives data. The connection is persistent - if the connection is lost, it automatically reconnects. | |
Automatically listens as a server using the specified communications protocol and transmits and receives data. The connection is persistent - if the connection is lost, it automatically reconnects. | |
VIs - Alphabetical List returns the time spent computing the last iteration of the CD&Sim loop in seconds. The time is measured using a high resolution timebase. | |
This VI implements three commonly used controllers: Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID), Proportional-Integral-Velocity (PIV), and PD with Acceleration Feed-Forward. | |
Models, in the discrete-time domain, a second-order low-pass filter characterized by a cut-off frequency and a damping ratio. | |
Computes a moving average of the input signal when enabled. | |
Reads from analog, digital, encoder and/or other channels of a HIL board. | |
Reads from analog, digital, encoder and/or other channels of a HIL board while establishing the timing of the simulation loop via a hardware timebase. | |
Sets the counter values for encoder channels of a HIL board. | |
Activates and reloads the watchdog timer of a HIL board. | |
Clears the watchdog state of a HIL board. | |
Writes to analog, digital, encoder and/or other channels of a HIL board. | |
Outputs the time since the last invocation of the VI in seconds. The time is measured using a high resolution timebase. | |
Models, in the continuous-time domain, a second-order low-pass filter characterized by a cut-off frequency and a damping ratio. | |
Outputs a waveform whose amplitude and frequency may be changed without causing a discontinuity in the output and may be driven by inputs to the vi. | |
VIs - Alphabetical List monitors whether a device has stalled. It is typically used to protect a device from overheating by stopping the VI if the device is stalled for too long. | |
The VIs - Alphabetical List VI listens for and accepts a connection from a remote host using non-blocking I/O. Non-blocking I/O is used so that the I/O does not interfere with the sample rate of the VI. However, as a result, communication protocols that do not support non-blocking I/O are not supported by the Intermediate Stream VIs. | |
The VIs - Alphabetical List VI establishes a connection to a remote host. The connection is made each time the VI executes. | |
The VIs - Alphabetical List VI implements the derivative of a signal and apply a low-pass filter (with configurable cut-off frequency) to the derivative. |
Initializes a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) card for use with the other HIL VIs or CL HIL Control & Simulation Loop VIs. | |
Close the given HIL board. Final output values configured in the HIL Initialize VI will be written to the board prior to closing the board. | |
Reads from analog, digital, encoder and/or other channels of a HIL board. | |
Sets the counter values for encoder channels of a HIL board. | |
Create a task for reading from analog, digital, encoder and/or other channels of a HIL board. The task allows other operations to be performed while the inputs are being read "in the background". The data is read into an internal circular "task buffer" from which it can be read at any time using the HIL Task Read VI. The size of this task buffer is determined by the sample in buffer input. | |
Get the corresponding HIL board from the HIL Task. | |
Reads from analog, digital, encoder and/or other channels of a HIL Task. | |
Starts the HIL Task. The task runs at the sampling frequency specified and processes the number of samples specified. | |
Clears the watchdog state of a HIL board. | |
Indicates whether the watchdog timer has expired and the board is now in the watchdog state in which outputs cannot be written. | |
Reloads the watchdog timer. If the watchdog had already expired then it does not clear the expiration state. The watchdog must be cleared in order to begin writing to the outputs again. | |
Starts the watchdog timer. If the watchdog timer is allowed to expire then it resets all the outputs of the data acquistion cards to the programmed expiration states. | |
Stops the watchdog timer. If the watchdog had already expired then it does not clear the expiration state. The watchdog must be cleared in order to begin writing to the outputs again. | |
Writes to analog, digital, encoder and/or other channels of a HIL board. |
The VIs - Alphabetical List VI computes the accumulated output for signals which wrap, such as multi-turn potentiometer measurements. |
Returns true if the input string is "true", "yes", "y", "on" or "1". Returns false if the input string is "false", "no", "n", "off" or "0". If the input string is none of these values then it returns an error and the | |
The VIs - Alphabetical List VI establishes a connection to a remote host. The connection is made each time the VI executes. | |
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