Nintendo Controller Blocks
The Nintendo Controller blocks have been deprecated because of difficulties in configuring a
Bluetooth dongle to interface to the device. Achieving reliable operation often requires manual
installation of a Bluetooth stack, for which the version and vendor are highly dependent on
the Bluetooth dongle selected. Therefore, this device has been deprecated as too unwieldy to support.
Nintendo controllers typically have a set of buttons and may also contain accelerometers, IR cameras, and joysticks. A controller equipped with an accelerometer provides 3-axis acceleration data. A controller equipped with an IR cameras can typically detect several IR points and relay the coordinates of these points. |
Reads the state of a wiimote device connected to the target and outputs the buttons, accelerations, and detected IR points. |
Reads the state of a wiimote device connected to the host and outputs the buttons, accelerations, and detected IR points. |
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