Functions - Alphabetical List
hil_close | Closes the specified HIL device. |
hil_close_all | Closes all open HIL devices. |
hil_esc_output | Generates a PWM output value suitable for an ESC command. |
hil_get_version | Get the Quanser HIL SDK version. |
hil_is_valid | Indicates whether the given board handle represents a valid open board. |
hil_open | Opens a HIL device. |
hil_read | Reads the specified channels immediately. |
hil_read_analog | Reads the specified analog channels immediately. |
hil_read_analog_buffer | Reads the specified number of samples from the given analog channels at the indicated sampling rate. |
hil_read_analog_codes | Reads the specified analog channels immediately, returning raw integer analog codes instead of voltages. |
hil_read_analog_write_analog | Reads from the specified analog input channels and writes to the specified analog output channels immediately. |
hil_read_analog_write_analog_buffer | Reads from the specified analog input channels and writes to the analog output channels at the given sampling rate, for the indicated number of samples. |
hil_read_buffer | Reads the specified number of samples from the given channels at the indicated sampling rate. |
hil_read_digital | Reads the specified digital channels immediately. |
hil_read_digital_buffer | Reads the specified number of samples from the given digital channels at the indicated sampling rate. |
hil_read_digital_write_digital | Reads from the specified digital input channels and writes to the specified digital output channels immediately. |
hil_read_digital_write_digital_buffer | Reads from the specified digital input channels and writes to the digital output channels at the given sampling rate, for the indicated number of samples. |
hil_read_encoder | Reads the specified encoder channels immediately. |
hil_read_encoder_buffer | Reads the specified number of samples from the given encoder channels at the indicated sampling rate. |
hil_read_encoder_write_pwm | Reads from the specified encoder input channels and writes to the specified PWM output channels immediately. |
hil_read_encoder_write_pwm_buffer | Reads from the specified encoder input channels and writes to the PWM output channels at the given sampling rate, for the indicated number of samples. |
hil_read_other | Reads the specified other channels immediately. |
hil_read_other_buffer | Reads the specified number of samples from the given other channels at the indicated sampling rate. |
hil_read_other_write_other | Reads from the specified other input channels and writes to the specified other output channels immediately. |
hil_read_other_write_other_buffer | Reads from the specified other input channels and writes to the other output channels at the given sampling rate, for the indicated number of samples. |
hil_read_write | Reads from the specified input channels and writes to the specified output channels. |
hil_read_write_buffer | Reads from the specified input channels and writes to the output channels at the given sampling rate, for the indicated number of samples. |
hil_set_analog_input_configuration | Sets the configuration of the specified analog input channels. |
hil_set_analog_input_ranges | Sets the voltage ranges of the specified analog input channels. |
hil_set_analog_output_ranges | Sets the voltage ranges of the specified analog output channels. |
hil_set_card_specific_options | Sets options that are specific to this particular card. |
hil_set_clock_mode | Sets the modes of the specified hardware clocks. |
hil_set_digital_directions | Sets the directions (input or output) of the specified digital channels. |
hil_set_encoder_counts | Sets the count values of the specified encoder channels. |
hil_set_encoder_filter_frequency | Sets the filter frequencies of encoder channels. |
hil_set_encoder_quadrature_mode | Sets the quadrature modes of encoder channels. |
hil_set_pwm_duty_cycle | Sets the duty cycles of the specified PWM channels. |
hil_set_pwm_frequency | Sets the frequencies of the specified PWM channels. |
hil_set_pwm_mode | Sets the mode of the specified PWM channels. |
hil_task_create_analog_reader | Creates a task to read from the specified analog channels. |
hil_task_create_analog_reader_analog_writer | Creates a task to read from the specified analog input channels and write to the specified analog output channels. |
hil_task_create_analog_writer | Creates a task to write to the specified analog channels. |
hil_task_create_digital_reader | Creates a task to read from the specified digital channels. |
hil_task_create_digital_reader_digital_writer | Creates a task to read from the specified digital input channels and write to the specified digital output channels. |
hil_task_create_digital_writer | Creates a task to write to the specified digital channels. |
hil_task_create_encoder_reader | Creates a task to read from the specified encoder channels. |
hil_task_create_encoder_reader_pwm_writer | Creates a task to read from the specified encoder input channels and write to the specified PWM output channels. |
hil_task_create_other_reader | Creates a task to read from the specified other channels. |
hil_task_create_other_reader_other_writer | Creates a task to read from the specified other input channels and write to the specified other output channels. |
hil_task_create_other_writer | Creates a task to write to the specified other channels. |
hil_task_create_pwm_writer | Creates a task to write to the specified PWM channels. |
hil_task_create_reader | Creates a task to read from the specified channels. |
hil_task_create_reader_writer | Creates a task to read from the specified input channels and write to the specified output channels. |
hil_task_create_writer | Creates a task to write to the specified channels. |
hil_task_delete | Deletes the specified task. |
hil_task_delete_all | Deletes all tasks associated with the board. |
hil_task_flush | Flushes any remaining samples from the internal buffer to the outputs. |
hil_task_read | Reads the specified number of samples from the task's internal buffer. |
hil_task_read_analog | Reads the specified number of analog samples from the task's internal buffer. |
hil_task_read_analog_write_analog | Reads and writes the specified number of analog samples to the task's internal buffer. |
hil_task_read_digital | Reads the specified number of digital samples from the task's internal buffer. |
hil_task_read_digital_write_digital | Reads and writes the specified number of digital samples to the task's internal buffer. |
hil_task_read_encoder | Reads the specified number of encoder samples from the task's internal buffer. |
hil_task_read_encoder_write_pwm | Reads the specified number of encoder samples and writes the specified number of PWM samples to the task's internal buffer. |
hil_task_read_other | Reads the specified number of other samples from the task's internal buffer. |
hil_task_read_other_write_other | Reads and writes the specified number of other samples to the task's internal buffer. |
hil_task_read_write | Reads and writes the specified number of samples to the task's internal buffer. |
hil_task_start | Starts a task. |
hil_task_stop | Stops the specified task. |
hil_task_stop_all | Stops all tasks associated with the board. |
hil_task_write | Writes the specified samples to the task's internal buffer. |
hil_task_write_analog | Writes the specified analog samples to the task's internal buffer. |
hil_task_write_digital | Writes the specified digital samples to the task's internal buffer. |
hil_task_write_other | Writes the specified other samples to the task's internal buffer. |
hil_task_write_pwm | Writes the specified PWM samples to the task's internal buffer. |
hil_watchdog_clear | Clears the watchdog timer. |
hil_watchdog_is_expired | Indicates whether the watchdog timer has expired. |
hil_watchdog_reload | Reloads the watchdog timer. |
hil_watchdog_set_analog_expiration_state | Sets the state of the analog outputs on watchdog expiration. |
hil_watchdog_set_digital_expiration_state | Sets the state of the digital outputs on watchdog expiration. |
hil_watchdog_set_other_expiration_state | Sets the state of the other outputs on watchdog expiration. |
hil_watchdog_set_pwm_expiration_state | Sets the state of the PWM outputs on watchdog expiration. |
hil_watchdog_start | Start the watchdog timer. |
hil_watchdog_stop | Stops the watchdog timer. |
hil_write | Writes to the specified channels immediately. |
hil_write_analog | Writes to the specified analog channels immediately. |
hil_write_analog_buffer | Writes the specified number of samples to the given analog channels at the indicated sampling rate. |
hil_write_analog_codes | Writes to the specified analog channels immediately, using raw integer analog codes instead of voltages. |
hil_write_buffer | Writes the specified number of samples to the given channels at the indicated sampling rate. |
hil_write_digital | Writes to the specified digital channels immediately. |
hil_write_digital_buffer | Writes the specified number of samples to the given digital channels at the indicated sampling rate. |
hil_write_other | Writes to the specified other channels immediately. |
hil_write_other_buffer | Writes the specified number of samples to the given other channels at the indicated sampling rate. |
hil_write_pwm | Writes to the specified PWM channels immediately. |
hil_write_pwm_buffer | Writes the specified number of samples to the given PWM channels at the indicated sampling rate. |
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