Polls the specified interrupt sources.
[states, err] = board.poll_interrupt(channels)
Polls the specified interrupt sources. It does not block but returns immediately. Any interrupts detected are acknowledged. Hence, polling an interrupt source twice in a row will only indicate that an interrupt occurred the first time poll_interrupt is called unless another interrupt occurs between the two calls to poll_interrupt.
If no err output is provided then it throws an exception if an error occurs. In generated code it prints the error message. Use hil_get_error_message to get the message associated with an error code.
The board instance returned by the quanser.hardware.hil.open function.
A vector of channel numbers corresponding to interrupt sources. Channel numbers are zero-based.
Select a board type from the list for board-specific details: .
A logical vector indicating whether the interrupts occurred. There is one element for each channel.
A negative error code or zero on success.
% Polls interrupt sources 0, 3 and 5
states = board.poll_interrupt([0 3 5]);
See Also
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