myRIO 1900
The myRIO 1900 is a National Instrument embedded device with real-time processing capability and a rich set of I/O. The QUARC Target associated with the myRIO 1900 is the QUARC Linux ARMv7 Target. The myRIO 1900 HIL card may only be used with QUARC when this target is selected. The following characteristics (using the default FPGA personality from National Instrument) are of particular interest when using the myRIO 1900 with QUARC:
The QUARC driver name for this card is ni_myrio_1900.
To select the myRIO 1900 HIL board, pass ni_myrio_1900 as the card type argument to the hil_open function.
Note that the Linux ARMv7 target must be selected to use the myRIO 1900 board. |
The communications ports provided on the myRIO 1900 HIL board can be utilized through the QUARC Communications blockset and the Quanser Stream API (see QUARC Communications Protocols).
For SPI communications, a sample URI for communications would be:
where the frame option selects the SPI SS line to frame the SPI bus transaction (0 to 39 inclusive, except 5 to 7 and 25 to 27).
For I2C communications, a sample URI for communications would be:
where the address option specifies the I2C slave address.
For serial communications, a sample URI for communications would be:
where the options are standard serial port options 8-N-1 configuration on port 0.
There are currently no configuration options for the myRIO 1900 clocks.
Analog Inputs
The myRIO 1900 supports 12 analog inputs with 12-bit resolution. Hence, analog input channel numbers range from 0 to 11.
The valid input ranges are 0 to 5V for channels 0 to 7, ±10V for channels 8 to 9, and ±2.5V for channels 10 to 11 (which are the audio input left and right, respectively).
Analog Outputs
The myRIO 1900 supports 8 analog output with 12-bit resolution. Hence, analog output channel numbers range from 0 to 7.
The valid output ranges are 0 to 5V for channels 0 to 3, ±10V for channels 4 to 5, and ±2.5V for channels 6 to 7 (which are the audio output left and right, respectively).
Digital Inputs
The myRIO 1900 supports 40 bidirectional digital I/O lines and one special digital input lines. Hence digital input channel numbers range from 0 to 40. Channel 40 represents the ONBD_BUT0.
A bidirectional digital I/O line cannobe be used as an input and output at the same time.
Since the digital I/O lines may be individually programmed as inputs or outputs, all the channels which will be used for digital inputs should be configured with the hil_set_digital_directions function. Set the input_channels argument to all the digital I/O channels that will be used as digital inputs on the board.
Despite the fact that this card has dedicated digital input lines, you still need to configure all the channels which will be used as digital inputs. They should be configured with the hil_set_digital_directions function. Set the input_channels argument to all the digital input channels that will be used on the board.
Note that the bidirectional digital I/O lines can also be configured as PWM, encoder, SPI, or I2C I/O. All of these I/O have
precedent over the digital input or output functions. Therefore if the pin is configured as one of the other functions, the digital
input or output functions would no longer function. Refer to Board-specific options for more
details about how to configure all these functions that share the same pin.
Digital Outputs
The myRIO 1900 supports 40 bidirectional digital I/O lines and 4 special digital output lines. Hence digital input channel numbers range from 0 to 43. Channels 40 to 43 represents the ONBD_LED0 to ONBD_LED3.
A bidirectional digital I/O line cannobe be used as an input and output at the same time.
Since the digital I/O lines may be individually programmed as inputs or outputs, all the channels which will be used for digital outputs should be configured with the hil_set_digital_directions function. Set the input_channels argument to all the digital I/O channels that will be used as digital outputs on the board.
Despite the fact that this card has dedicated digital output lines, you still need to configure all the channels which will be used as digital outputs. They should be configured with the hil_set_digital_directions function. Set the input_channels argument to all the digital output channels that will be used on the board.
Note that the bidirectional digital I/O lines can also be configured as PWM, encoder, SPI, or I2C I/O. All of these I/O have
precedent over the digital input or output functions. Therefore if the pin is configured as one of the other functions, the digital
input or output functions would no longer function. Refer to Board-specific options for more
details about how to configure all these functions that share the same pin.
Encoder Inputs
The myRIO 1900 supports 4 encoder inputs. Hence encoder channel numbers range from 0 to 3. These channels support non-quadrature as well as 4x quadrature modes.
In order to set the encoder counters to a particular count or to change the default quadrature, use the hil_set_encoder_counts and hil_set_encoder_quadrature_mode functions respectively.
The myRIO 1900 supports non-quadrature (count and direction) and 4X quadrature. Since the myRIO 1900 has 32-bit counters, valid initial count values range from -2147483648 to +2147483647. If the vectors specified in these fields are shorter than the channel vector, the value of the last element in the vector will be used for the rest of the channels. Hence, a scalar value will apply to all channels specified in the Encoder input channels field.
Note that the bidirectional digital I/O lines can also be configured as PWM, encoder, SPI, or I2C I/O. All of these I/O have
precedent over the digital input or output functions. Therefore if the pin is configured as one of the other functions, the digital
input or output functions would no longer function. Refer to Board-specific options for more
details about how to configure all these functions that share the same pin.
PWM Outputs
The myRIO 1900 driver supports 8 PWM output channels. Hence, PWM output channels range from 0 to 7. Each PWM channel is completely independent and can have its own duty cycle and frequency.
In order to configure the PWM mode or frequency, use the hil_set_pwm_mode and hil_set_pwm_frequency functions respectively.
The maximum output frequency is 20 MHz. The number of bits of resolution decreases with increasing PWM output frequency.
For a complete description of all the options available, including diagrams, refer to PWM Output Configurations.
Note that the bidirectional digital I/O lines can also be configured as PWM, encoder, SPI, or I2C I/O. All of these I/O have
precedent over the digital input or output functions. Therefore if the pin is configured as one of the other functions, the digital
input or output functions would no longer function. Refer to Board-specific options for more
details about how to configure all these functions that share the same pin.
Other Inputs
The myRIO 1900 supports 3 other inputs. These inputs represent the on board accelerometers of the NI myRIO. The channel numbers for the accelerometers are 4000-4002, representing linear accelerations in the X, Y and Z directions respectively. The units are m/s2.
Other Outputs
The myRIO 1900 card does not support other outputs.
The myRIO 1900 card, or its driver, does not support any interrupt sources.
The myRIO 1900 card does not support a watchdog timer.
Board-Specific Options
The myRIO 1900 has a number of board-specific options to control specialized functionality of the card. These options control which functions to enable on the bidirectional digital I/O lines.
Due to the large number of bidirectional digital I/O lines, it is recommended to use board-specific options dialog to set the board-specific options instead of typing them in manually. The dialog also has option to automatically update the Encoder input channels and PWM output channels in the Encoder Inputs and PWM Outputs tabs, respectively once the particular function is selected for a channel.
Furthermore the board-specific options dialog also has an option to enable National Instrument naming convention (e.g. MSPC_PWM0 instead of PWM Channel 6) for each channel to allow easier channel selection for users who are more accustomed to National Instrument naming conventions.
Set this option to "yes", "y", or "1" to enable the PWM functionality on bidirectional digital I/O pin number 0.
Similar options exist for the other PWM channels e.g. pwm1_en, pwm2_en, etc.
Set this option to "yes", "y", or "1" to enable the encoder functionality on bidirectional digital I/O pin number 0 and 1.
Similar options exist for the other encoder channels e.g. enc1_en, enc2_en, etc.
Set this option to "yes", "y", or "1" to reverse the direction of encoder 0.
Similar options exist for the other encoder channels e.g. enc1_dir, enc2_dir, etc.
The myRIO 1900 card does not support any properties.
The myRIO 1900 board has many different I/Os, and some of them even support multiple functions. Refer to the NI myRIO 1900 User Guide for definition of pins. The following shows the channel numbers as well as possible pin functions on the NI myRIO for reference.
Functions/Channels | NI Label | NI Label | Functions/Channels | ||
+3.3V ― | +3.3V ― | 34 | 33 | ↔ DIO15 / ↔ I2C.SDA | ↔ DIO 15 / ↔ I2C.SDA 0 |
DIO 10 ↔ / PWM 2 ← | DIO10 ↔ / PWM2 ← | 32 | 31 | ↔ DIO14 / ↔ I2C.SCL | ↔ DIO 14 / ↔ I2C.SCL 0 |
DIO 9 ↔ / PWM 1 ← | DIO9 ↔ / PWM1 ← | 30 | 29 | ― DGND | ― DGND |
DIO 8 ↔ / PWM 0 ← | DIO8 ↔ / PWM0 ← | 28 | 27 | ― DGND | ― DGND |
DIO 7 ↔ / SPI.MOSI 0 ← | DIO7 ↔ / SPI.MOSI ← | 26 | 25 | ↔ DIO13 | ↔ DIO 13 |
DIO 6 ↔ / SPI.MISO 0 → | DIO6 ↔ / SPI.MISO → | 24 | 23 | ― DGND | ― DGND |
DIO 5 ↔ / SPI.CLK 0 ← | DIO5 ↔ / SPI.CLK ← | 22 | 21 | ↔ DIO12 / ← ENC.B | ↔ DIO 12 / ← ENC.B 0 |
DIO 4 ↔ | DIO4 ↔ | 20 | 19 | ― DGND | ― DGND |
DIO 3 ↔ | DIO3 ↔ | 18 | 17 | ↔ DIO11 / ← ENC.A | ↔ DIO 11 / ← ENC.A 0 |
DIO 2 ↔ | DIO2 ↔ | 16 | 15 | ― DGND | ― DGND |
DIO 1 ↔ | DIO1 ↔ | 14 | 13 | → UART.TX | → UART.TX 0 |
DIO 0 ↔ | DIO0 ↔ | 12 | 11 | ― DGND | ― DGND |
AI 3 → | AI3 → | 10 | 9 | ← UART.RX | ← UART.RX 0 |
AI 2 → | AI2 → | 8 | 7 | ― DGND | ― DGND |
AI 1 → | AI1 → | 6 | 5 | ― AGND | ― AGND |
AI 0 → | AI0 → | 4 | 3 | → AO1 | → AO 1 |
+5V ― | +5V ― | 2 | 1 | → AO0 | → AO 0 |
Functions/Channels | NI Label | NI Label | Functions/Channels | ||
+3.3V ― | +3.3V ― | 34 | 33 | ↔ DIO15 / ↔ I2C.SDA | ↔ DIO 31 / ↔ I2C.SDA 1 |
DIO 26 ↔ / PWM 5 ← | DIO10 ↔ / PWM2 ← | 32 | 31 | ↔ DIO14 / ↔ I2C.SCL | ↔ DIO 30 / ↔ I2C.SCL 1 |
DIO 25 ↔ / PWM 4 ← | DIO9 ↔ / PWM1 ← | 30 | 29 | ― DGND | ― DGND |
DIO 24 ↔ / PWM 3 ← | DIO8 ↔ / PWM0 ← | 28 | 27 | ― DGND | ― DGND |
DIO 23 ↔ / SPI.MOSI 1 ← | DIO7 ↔ / SPI.MOSI ← | 26 | 25 | ↔ DIO13 | ↔ DIO 29 |
DIO 22 ↔ / SPI.MISO 1 → | DIO6 ↔ / SPI.MISO → | 24 | 23 | ― DGND | ― DGND |
DIO 21 ↔ / SPI.CLK 1 ← | DIO5 ↔ / SPI.CLK ← | 22 | 21 | ↔ DIO12 / ← ENC.B | ↔ DIO 28 / ← ENC.B 1 |
DIO 20 ↔ | DIO4 ↔ | 20 | 19 | ― DGND | ― DGND |
DIO 19 ↔ | DIO3 ↔ | 18 | 17 | ↔ DIO11 / ← ENC.A | ↔ DIO 27 / ← ENC.A 1 |
DIO 18 ↔ | DIO2 ↔ | 16 | 15 | ― DGND | ― DGND |
DIO 17 ↔ | DIO1 ↔ | 14 | 13 | → UART.TX | → UART.TX 1 |
DIO 16 ↔ | DIO0 ↔ | 12 | 11 | ― DGND | ― DGND |
AI 7 → | AI3 → | 10 | 9 | ← UART.RX | ← UART.RX 1 |
AI 6 → | AI2 → | 8 | 7 | ― DGND | ― DGND |
AI 5 → | AI1 → | 6 | 5 | ― AGND | ― AGND |
AI 4 → | AI0 → | 4 | 3 | → AO1 | → AO 3 |
+5V ― | +5V ― | 2 | 1 | → AO0 | → AO 2 |
NI Labels | Functions/Channels | |
5V ― | 20 | ― 5V |
DGND ― | 19 | ― DGND |
DIO7 ↔ / PWM1 ← | 18 | ↔ DIO 39 / → PWM 7 |
DIO6 ↔ / ENC1.B → | 17 | ↔ DIO 38 / ← ENC.B 3 |
DIO5 ↔ | 16 | ↔ DIO 37 |
DIO4 ↔ / ENC1.A → | 15 | ↔ DIO 36 / ← ENC.A 3 |
DIO3 ↔ / PWM0 ← | 14 | ↔ DIO 35 / → PWM 6 |
DIO2 ↔ / ENC0.B → | 13 | ↔ DIO 34 / ← ENC.B 2 |
DIO1 ↔ | 12 | ↔ DIO 33 |
DIO0 ↔ / ENC0.A → | 11 | ↔ DIO 32 / ← ENC.A 2 |
AI1- → | 10 | ← AI 9- |
AI1+ → | 9 | ← AI 9+ |
AI0- → | 8 | ← AI 8- |
AI0+ → | 7 | ← AI 8+ |
AGND ― | 6 | ― AGND |
AO1 ← | 5 | → AO 5 |
AO0 ← | 4 | → AO 4 |
AGND ― | 3 | ― AGND |
-15V ― | 2 | ― -15V |
+15V ― | 1 | ― +15V |
→▯← | = | input |
←▯→ | = | output |
↔▯↔ | = | bidirectional I/O |
= | 3.3V signal | |
= | unspecified voltage | |
= | power | |
= | ground |
Target |
Supported |
Comments |
No |
Not supported. |
No |
Not supported. |
No |
Not supported. |
No |
Not supported. |
No |
Not supported. |
Yes |
Only supported with a myRIO platform. |
No |
Not supported. |
No |
Not supported. |
No |
Not supported. |
No |
Not supported. |
No |
Not supported. |
Rapid Simulation (RSIM) Target |
No |
Not supported. |
Normal simulation |
No |
Not supported. |
See Also
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